Author - George Kokkos

Women In Sports: The Heraean Games

Hera was the goddess of marriage, family, childbirth and the protectress of women. The Roman counterpart of Hera was Juno. For the Romans, Juno was the protector and special counselor of the State. The month of June is named...

Influencing the vote

Our democracies today are representative. We elect politicians, politicians govern us. In Ancient Athens, you were ruling yourself. Participation was seen as a fundamental element of Democracy. Athenians that behaved as 'private citizens' were seen through a negative eye and...

The Flight of Icarus

Stories told in Greek Mythology are just that: stories. They're not parables. You can read it or hear it and then you draw your own conclusions. Maybe even change your mind later.  You may conclude that the moral of...

Athens’ Royal Gardens

Did you know that most ornamental plants of the National Gardens come from Genova, Italy? King Ludwig I of Bavaria When King Ludwig of Bavaria came to Athens to visit his son (King Otto), he was surprised by the complete lack...

Parian Marble: An incredible ancient chronicle

The Parian Chronicle is a chronology of events, inscribed on a marble stele, covering more than 12 centuries of Ancient Greek history. Focusing a lot on events linked with the city-state of Athens, this chronicle presents us with a...