The 4 Greek words for Love
AGAPE The sentiment of intense devotion affection concern and involvement directed towards a person, place, object, activity or idea. Agape is used commonly to describe the most profound and stimulating relationship possible between two people but can be extended to love of country love of children love of animals and so forth. Existing regardless of […]
The sentiment of intense devotion affection concern and involvement directed towards a person, place, object, activity or idea. Agape is used commonly to describe the most profound and stimulating relationship possible between two people but can be extended to love of country love of children love of animals and so forth. Existing regardless of changing circumstances, agape is the type of unconditional love.
The attraction, love, and passion felt for a person. Eros was the Greek god of love and according to mythology he was included among the primitive powers of the universe, a self-born deity that emerged at the beginning of time. The sexual power of Eros was felt by the Greeks in a cosmic sense, as a binding force that compelled the conflicting elements of which Chaos consisted to combine in harmony, and as something that gives life to everything in our world.
The personal and friendly type of love that does not include an erotic element. An attraction fueled by a sincere interest to be closer to a person or an idea. Philia is accompanied by care, respect and altruism as it refers to an experienced-based love, thus making it a close bond connection between two or more people. It is considered a very special type of love as it is the only one freely chosen.
The pure, deep and unreserved love, especially between parents and their children. The love of a mother for her kids. Storge is a natural affection that in an instinctive way is expressed and felt among family members, companions or even pet owners. Storge creates a warm bond and a type of selfless dependency.